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November 17, 2010



Unbelievably fascinating. Thanks to you and to Parry for this remarkable story. I truly hope he finds dozens more films with his dad.

Fabián Cepeda

This is a nice research on a bit player's life inside and outside the Hollywood world. It was nice to know that Eddie was a close friend of Tom Neal's, whose own private life was extremely weird. Parry Hall's research is amazing for its accuracy, and I quite understand his sort of obsession of finding ALL his dad's extra film roles. We who love doing this kind of research usually experience this unique reaction when we are able to identify some well-known faces among many, many others in crowd scenes of b-movies...and then, we just expect to find that person again, again and again!

Dave Plomin

What a great story! Now THIS would make an interesting movie!

diarmid mogg

Thanks very much, people!

And Fabián - yes, it's strange to come across someone like Parry who does what you and I (and certain others) do all the time. The funny thing is, he has a real reason for looking for a bit-part actor. I'm not sure we have the same excuse...

Marc Bessette

What a great story. My father was a pro hockey player and he played for the Hollywood Wolves in the Pacific Coast league in either the late 40's or early 50's. Apparently, he became friendly with an actor who was a hockey fan, Howard Duff. Apparently, Mr. Duff got him some extra parts at Warner Bros. during the summer months.My dad was an extra in a number of movies, usually as a tough guy in those old Warners gangster movies they made at the time. My dad passed away before I could ever find out the names of the movies. It sure would be nice to find out which movies he was in and possibly spot them in them. Due to his French accent, I doubt that he had any speaking parts so I'm sure that he never showed up on the film credits.
I'm sure happy that Parry had the opportunity to rediscover his dad, if only in old movies.

diarmid mogg

Hi Marc. I assume your dad was either Marcel Bessette or Roger Bessette (I googled Bessette and Hollywood Wlves, and that's who came up). I searched for them in the usual places that might mention either of them in connection with any film work they might have had, but the search came up blank. I would at least have hoped that a sports page article might have noted a bit of movie extra work in passing - but no. I'll keep my eye out for any Bessettes, though. You never know...

Marc Bessette

Hi Diarmid.
My dad was Marcel. Roger was a goalie with that and several other teams over the years. My dad played with Hollywood in 1944 and 1945.

tod forman

hey! are you still there? any more episodes? miss you

diarmid mogg

Hi Tod! Yes, I'm still here but, as you can tell, The Unsung Joe is on some sort of extended break. It'll come back at some point, but for the next while, I'll be busy with my other blog, Small Town Noir, which tells the stories behind old mug shots from New Castle, Pennsylvania. It's very similar to The Unsung Joe, in a way, as it's concerned with people no one's ever heard of, but it takes its tone from everyday small-town life in the decades around world war two instead of the glamour of Hollywood. Check it out, and let me know what you think! http://smalltownnoir.wordpress.com/

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