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July 16, 2010


Fabiàn Cepeda

This is a modern-day story which curiosly happened many, many years ago. This subject of extortion and double-cross, so current in these days, is very latent throughout this story. These fame-hungry women would stop at nothing in order to become famous, but the risk was too high...and finally happened what it had to happen. You did a nice research, as usual, and I was amazed to see that two well-known bit players like Pat Harmon and Cy Schindell, whom I've seen countless times in Three Stooges' shorts, were deeply involved in this affair. So good that you could gift us with a revival of this forgotten little scandal. Nowadays it may look soft, but back in the Thirties, this must have been tough!

diarmid mogg

Hi Fabiàn - I thought you'd be interested in the bits about Pat Harmon and Cy Schindell. It's not information that I've come across anywhere else outside the old newspapers that I read while researching the story, so I didn't think you'd know about it. I'm glad to have been able to tell you something you don't already know!

D Cairns

Fascinating story. I have to come down on June DeLong's side, since I can believe the parts of Allen's stories about the women's behaviour, but I can in no way believe his account of his OWN behaviour.

diarmid mogg

I'm sure she was telling something close to the truth about Dave Allen's treatment of female extras and the scene that went down in her apartment, but I'm also sure that the extras were trying to blackmail Dave Allen. The only thing I don't understand about the blackmail angle is why they wouldn't have photographed the wild party. Were they really that inept as blackmailers?

Jacque Delbaugh

June DeLong was a relative of mine. I have always wondered what became of her. Still don't know!

diarmid mogg

Hi Jacque, and thanks for writing. Please let me know if you ever find out anything at all - I mean anything!

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